by Cheryl Adams | Mar 9, 2016 | Costa Rica, Featured, Massage, Yoga
You’ve just had a massage and you are feeling really good. The pressure was just right, it was so relaxing, and ‘how did she know how to find just the right spots?’ Your mind tries to recreate different moments during your session. ‘It felt...
by Cheryl Adams | Mar 2, 2016 | Costa Rica, Massage
Knowing you are doing exactly the work you are meant to do. It is a profound feeling. It’s very fulfilling. Massage, was a calling for me. I’m thankful that my dream was realized young, and pursued right out of High School. I used to excitedly tell...
by Cheryl Adams | Apr 29, 2010 | Costa Rica, Massage
Today’s post is a little more ‘colorful’ than I normally post. My day was mostly spent settling. I am now completely unpacked and organized in what will be my home for the next few weeks! Although I plan on brown rice being a staple once I’d completed my unpacking I...
by Cheryl Adams | Apr 29, 2010 | Costa Rica, Massage
Today is the beginning/continuation of a life long dream of sharing my touch with this world, spreading more smiles, sunshine and the amazing gift of Massage. I have arrived in Costa Rica, where I will be teaching Massage to aspiring therapists during the month...
by Cheryl Adams | Mar 22, 2010 | Costa Rica, Massage
Total Body Rejuvenation in the Comfort of your Own Home. Private Yoga Instruction, perfect for beginners or those looking to deepen their practice. Couples Massage, Therapeutic Restructuring Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Thai Massage, Corporate Chair Massage, Spa...
by Cheryl Adams | Feb 28, 2010 | Costa Rica, Massage
Yeah 2010!!! February is almost at a close and the last two months have almost been a blur. The Relaxation Spot has taken on so many exciting changes over the last few years. From being chosen to study massage in Costa Rica 2 years ago with 17 different instructors,...
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